Monday 18 May 2009

Birthing a Blog

Well, that was pretty bloody simple. They (Blogger) really have made the miracle of creation a painless one. According to scripture, though, I'm entitled to a day's rest. Sweeet.

Recklessly ignoring whoever the hell it was that wrote Genesis, though, let me witter aimlessly in your general direction about what I intend this blog to be about:

...Alright, so I have no actual plans. Neither, for what it's worth, do I have any real areas of expertise, interest or, well, ability. I do quite enjoy writing, though, so I vaguely hope to just babble on about whatever interests me on any particular day. This is most defintely going to work, oh yes.

It's highly likely, though, that my witterings will be based in some loose sense around politics, society, culture and the arts (broad enough for you, hmm?), comedy and food, cos these are the things what come closest to animating me. I'm also into football, but I'm going to try not to talk about that too much, for fear of the blog descending into ill-informed and interminable tactical waffle and circular argument (all my own). This is not, however, a promise.

I'd be really impressed with myself if I managed to post once a day, but a little self-knowledge is a useful thing, so we'll bloody see.

Finally, I will make no efforts whatsoever to avoid profanity and/or obscenity, so don't effing petition me otherwise.

Actually finally, welcome and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. It's all new territory for this anonymous. Will follow your blog with interest, and so far, so interesting.
