Thursday 22 October 2009

Bigotry on the Beeb cont...

23.02 - Cracking question from a British Bangladeshi muslim: why risk alienating muslims, rathen than targeting fundamentalist Christians, for example? Dimbleby moves the show along before Griffin gets a chance to answer though, sadly.

23.04 - Audience member puts someone else on the spot for once, asking whether the rise of the BNP is due to the current Government's policies on immigration. Straw disagrees, obviously. He attempts a valiant defence of Labour's record, just like you knew he would. Dimbleby tries hard to get him to answer the question. He's a pro, though, so he won't.

23.08 - Warsi interrupts Straw to say that "there are some things politicians need to be honest about and that wasn't an honest answer". She says, quite rightly, that there are underlying reasons, quite apart from immigration, that have caused the BNP's rise (have the BNP really risen, though? I'm not convinvced). Warsi's shilling for the Tories now, sadly.

23.11 - Some toryboy in the front row says something smarmy about "liking the Conservative position on this". Why do they let these people in? It's like planted questions at PMQs.

23.13 - Everone's putting the boot into Labour for losing thousands of immigrants in the Home Office's systems. Griffin hasn't spoken for quarter of an hour. They're still talking about him, though. He's the belle of the ball.

23.16 - "Skin colour is irrelevant" says Griffin, to jeers. He's talking about the meaning of "indigenous". He's accusing the others of racism, which is an intriguing tactic. Bonnie Greer, who Griffin has repeatedly attempted to cosy up to, won't even look at him. She's literally turning her back to him.

23.21 - Griffin tries to claim that 84% of the British people support the BNP's policies on immigration. That is some seriously creative statistical interpretation.

23.22 - Straw mentions for the 2nd time that he "comes from immigrant stock". An Asian man asks Griffin where he wants him to go. Griffin very generously says that he's "welcome to stay". Such charity.

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