Thursday 22 October 2009

Bigotry on the Beeb cont...

22.35 - The panel are introduced. Dimbleby has what can only be desribed as a "loud" tie.

22.36 - We're straight into it with a question about Churchill and the BNP. Jack Straw fields it. Easy peasy. They're all going to stick the knife into Nasty Nick, I'm quite sure. Loud cheers for Straw's point about black and foreign soldiers in both world wars.

22.37 - Griffin asked why he thinks Churchill would be a BNP member were he around today. He answers reasonably well, but is still booed by the audience. I think how that's how it's going to be.

22.42 - Black man asks a slightly angry, but fairly articulate, question. He gets wildly cheered for pointing out that the majority of people in the studio find Griffin's views disgusting.

22.44 - Griffin says that there's a lot of misunderstanding about what he actually thinks. Dimbleby asks him to be specific about where he is misunderstood/misquoted. He struggles to do so.

22.45 They all have poppies, obviously, but Warsi's is the biggest. Score for Team Diversity.

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