Thursday 29 April 2010

3rd Leaders' Debate III

21.52 - Dave had "a big argument with someone on the street about special schools the other day". He reckons he's in favour of them, but I'm not buying that. They're all trying to demonstrate their "passion" for education. Except Gordon, of course, who's pathologically incapable of displaying passion for anything other than tax credits, so opts simply to state it: "I AM PASSIONATE ABOUT SCHOOLS".

21.57 - Final statements. Dave "loves this country" and wants to back "values", "work" and "safety". So far, so Tory. There's "something we need to know" about him, though. He once met a black man!

22.00 - Gordon suggests that the Libs will ally with the Tories again. That'll be the line, I suppose. Clegg says the usual, pretty well, though.

This is extremely tough to call. They all did okay, there were no clear winners and noone dropped any clangers, though Clegg did take a horrible kicking on immigration. Cameron probably shaded it, I'd say. 1. Cameron, 2. Clegg, 3. Brown, I reckon. It's very marginal, though, so who the hell knows (my soothsaying confidence took a beating after calling it wrong last week). Let's see.


  1. Great blog, though I disagree with the callings. Brown, then Cameron, with Clegg leaping up and down to be heard above the two older boys. Its in the bag Gordy. Bloody bigots.

  2. Cleggs tie. Nauseatingly mustard. Cameron. Was ere a man so slappable?

  3. That's our new PM you're talking about, tragically.

    Hung Parliament; Conservative minority Govt; Cameron PM. You heard it here first (or, more probably, about fourth, but whatevs).

  4. I think it's Cameron who can't show passion. He says he's passionate, but it just seems like such an act. At least we know Gordon's not an actor!
