Thursday 29 April 2010

3rd Leaders' Debate

The third and final debate. It's on the economy and it kicks off at 8.30. Let's be havin' ya.

Incidentally, I just heard Jon Snow saying how the debates have sucked the life out of ordinary campaigning. He's right, I suppose. The debates have utterly overshadowed the usual electioneering shenanigans. I'll write up my thoughts about this whole debating thang shortly.

Right, here we go.

8.33 - Dave witters on about being "stuck in a rut", or somesuch. He means the economy, of course, not the Conservative Party.

8.34 - Clegg is in the middle again. That's a surprise. Why would the others let him have that for free? Have they learnt nothing about underestimating the yellow surge?

8.35 - Gordon faces his demons by saying "as you saw yesterday, I don't get it all right". You can teach humility, then.

8.36 - If there was ever a debate topic for Gordon, though, it's this one. He simply must win this one. Behind in every poll, he needs a "game-changer", apparently.

8.38 - Dimbleby (for it is he, of course) has a deeply wacky floral tie. The candidates have stuck with the slightly weird party colour scheme, for some reason. Maybe it's one of the fabled 76 debate rules.

8.41 - Almost unbelievably, Dave mentions Mothercare again. That's all three debates. Great PR for them. Utterly whorish from Cameron (what the hell was I expecting?).

8.42 - Gordon "smiles" and my housemates cringe as one.

8.44 - Gordon and Dave are in PMQs mode. They're crossing swords with abandon, which always goes down badly with the public.

8.45 - This one's in the Great Hall at the University of Birmingham. It's gorgeous. No debates in London, eh? It does have the dubious honour of playing host to these guys for the next 4-5 years, I suppose, so fair's fair.

8.47 - Audience question on the need to cut tax. Dave should be at home here, except that this is no time for anyone to be cutting taxes. Clegg remembers the questioner's name and is rewarded with an earnest "listening" look. He goes for the bankers, as always, which goes down pretty well.

8.50 - Gordon rather pointedly says that he would "never go into alliance with the Conservatives" (not that he'd be asked), which is an indirect kick at Clegg.

8.52 - Gordon and Clegg are both giving Dave a kicking for wanting to cut inheritance tax. Dave calls it "desperate stuff".

8.54 - Clegg pulls out his old "look at these two!" line. He makes his pre-planned, scripted attacks so much better than the other two.

8.58 - Dave says that he "agree's with Mr Obama's plan" for dealing with naughty bankers. Cracking bit of name dropping there.

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