Thursday 15 April 2010

The Leaders' Debate III

21.45 - My speech therapist housemate points out that the weird, goldfish-like mouth movements Gordon makes are in response to a speech impediment. He's doing pretty well against some fairly significant natural disadvantages, in fairness.

21.47 - Clegg says that "this is a phoney debate". You said it, mate. He's clearly winning, though. Cam looks decent too. Gordon hasn't done awfully, but he probably needed to do better than that. I reckon Cam just needs to play it safe and not drop the ball in order to win. Maybe the Libs (with a hung Parliament) are the biggest threat to him now? I wonder if he'll start aiming for them in the weeks ahead?

21.52 - Final question is on care for the elderly. Clegg suggests that "all the parties get together on this one", meaninglessly. Gordon's using his caring voice. Eww! He should take this one though. He can make spending promises with the best of them. Cameron does disappointingly well by lionising carers. Clegg's forced to join the eulogy. They're all being terribly serious.

22.01 - In closing, Clegg goes back to his old vs new politics shtick. My old buddy change gets his tummy tickled too. Brown goes economic, obviously. He also tries to make a joke, with predictably cringe-worthy results. Cameron will personally be behind you in your business. Scary!

In conclusion, as they all press the flesh, it looked like 1. Clegg 2. Cameron 3. Brown to me. No one dropped any major clangers. Great night for the Libs, but to what end?

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